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0x3a : 0x2a);poke(GRACTL,2);playsize=(i==1 ? 8 : 7);poke(PMBAV}SE,(playbase>>8)-(i==1 ? 4 : 2));for(j=0;j<4;++j)$(poke(HPOSP0+j,0);pmclear(j);$)$)else$(poke(SDMCTLW},0x22);poke(GRACTL,0);for(j=0;j<4;++j)$(poke(HPOSP0+j,0);poke(GRAFP0+j,0);$)$)$)hitclear()$(poke(HITX}CLR,0);$)pmcolor(n,c,i)char n,c,i;$(poke(PCOLR0+n,(c<<4)+i);$)pmwidth(n,w)char n,w;$(poke(SIZEP0+n,w);$)hitpY}2pf(f,t)char f,t;$(return (1<=16384)mask= -1; /* $FFFF */else$(mask=2;while(n>=mask)mask=mask<}<1;--mask; /* to 0..01..1 */$)while(n<(temp=(peek(RANDOM)+(peek(RANDOM)<<8))& mask)); /* average 2 times */ret}urn temp;$)/* * end of graphics library */vich */#define RAMTOP 0x6a#define PCOLR0 0x2c0#define SDMCTL 0x22f#def1'  '    0   ' '''  ' ' U  ' T !} '       ''  '  '' T  ' U  '' !} '' U  ' T  ''        ''  ' '  !} ' U  ' T  '       ' ' p   !'"' |  !} !'#' x   !'$'    !'%' #' . .!}     &' #' .   .    !}  ''$0(' &  # @)   !}  )   #  !' !'   & !}S:''gr9color'graphics'close'open'color'drawto'poke'dpoke'ciov'locate'position!}'cgetc'plot'cputc'setcolor'fill 'paddle!'peek"'ptrig#'stick$'strig%'vstick&'hstick''sound('rnd }/* * Deep Blue C Compiler * Atari I/O routines * and library fuctions * (c) 1982 John Howard Palevich */#define EOL 15%}5#define TAB 127#define SPACE 32/* * val(s) returns numeric value of * string in s */val(s)char *s;$(char c;%}int v,sign;while(c= *s)$(if(c==SPACE | c==EOL | c==TAB)++s;else break;$)sign=1;if(c=='+' | c=='-')$(if(c=='-%}')sign= -1;c= *++s;$)v=0;while(c>='0' & c<='9')$(v=v*10+c-'0';c=*++s;$)return v*sign;$)/* * hval(s) --%} hex string to integer */hval(s)char *s;$(int v;char c;v=0;while(c= *s)$(if(c==TAB | c==SPACE | c==EOL)++s;%}else break;$)while(1)$(if(c>='0' & c<='9')c=c-'0';else if(c>='a' & c<='f')c=c-87;else if(c>='A' & c<='F')c=c-%}55;else break;v=(v<<4)+c;c=*++s;$)return v;$)copen(fn,mode)char *fn,mode;$(int k,io,r,dir;io=0;whil%}e(io<8)$(if(peek(832+(io<<4))==255)break;++io;$)if(io==8)return -1; /* no iocb */fn[k=strlen(fn)]=EOL;if(mode==%}'r')dir=4;else if(mode=='w')dir=8;else if(mode=='a')dir=9;else return -132;r=ciov(io,3,fn,k+1,dir,0);fn[k]=0;if(r%}<0)$(cclose(io);return r;$)return io;$)/* * open an iocb the 'normal' way * -- open(iocb,fname,ax1,ax2); */%}open(iocb,ax1,ax2,fname)char iocb,ax1,ax2,*fname;$(return ciov(iocb,3,fname,strlen(fname),ax1,ax2);$)/* * close a%}n iocb the 'normal' way */close(i)char i;$(return cclose(i);$)cclose(i)int i;$(return ciov(i,12,-1,-1,-1,-1);%}$)cputc(c,unit)char c;int unit;asm 12297;cgetc(unit)int unit;asm 12294;getchar()$(return cgetc(0);$)putc%}har(c)char c;$(return cputc(c,0);$)gets(str)char *str;$(int r;if((r=ciov(0,5,str,120,-1,-1))<0)return r;s%}tr[r=dpeek(840)-1]=0;return r;$)cprints(str)char *str;$(return cputs(str,0);$)cputs(str,i)char *str;int i;$%}(int k;if(k=strlen(str))return ciov(i,11,str,k,-1,-1);else return 1;$)/* ciov(iocb,com,bad,blen,ax1,ax2) * -1 fo%}r bad,blen,ax1, or ax2 will * leave that parameter unchanged */ciov(iocb,com,bad,blen,ax1,ax2)int iocb,com,blen,ax1,ax2%};char *bad;asm 12291; /* $3003 *//* normalize(fname,fext) * converts file to upper case, * adds D: if no prefix, * a%}dds .fext if no extension */normalize(fname,fext)char *fname,*fext;$(int i;char c,temp[20];/* to upper case */i%}=0;while(c=fname[i])fname[i++]=toupper(c);if(--i < 0)return 0; /* null fname *//* fname[i] is last char of name */%}/* pre-fix D: */if(i==0 | (i==1 & fname[1]!=':')|(fname[1]!=':'&fname[2]!=':'))$(strcpy(temp,"D:");strcpy(temp+2,%}fname);strcpy(fname,temp);i=i+2;$)/* if no '.', add '.'fext */if(find(fname,i+1,'.')<0)$(fname[i+1]='.';str%}cpy(fname+i+2,fext);$)$)/* * toupper(c) -- if c lower case, * return upper case, else return c. */toupper(c)char %}c;$(return (c < 'a') || (c > 'z')? c : c-32;$) /* * tolower(c) -- if c upper case, * return lower case, else retur%}n c. */tolower(c)char c;$(return (c < 'A') || (c > 'Z')? c : c+32;$)/* strcpy(a,b) -- copy b into a * returns %}size of b (not counting 0) */strcpy(a,b)char *a,*b;asm 12300;/* move(a,b,len) -- move len chars from * a to b, inc-i%}ng addresses */move(a,b,len)char *a,*b;int len;asm 12303;/* clear(a,len) -- clear a to a+len-1 */clear(a,len)c%}har *a;int len;$(*a=0;move(a,a+1,len-1);$)/* usr(addr,.....) -- call usr(x) subr * at address addr */usr(addr)%}char *addr;asm 12306;/* find(addr,len,ch) -- find first * occurence of ch in addr to * addr+len-1, return 0--len or -1 %}if * not found */find(addr,len,ch)char *addr,ch;int len;asm 12309;/* * return length of string * not including z%}ero */strlen(str)char *str;$(return find(str,30000,0);$)/* * peek(i) -- return byte in i */peek(i)char *i;a%}sm 12312;/* * poke(i,d) -- return OLD value of d */poke(i,d)char *i,d;asm 12315;/* * dpeek(i) -- return word in [%}i,i+1] */dpeek(i)char *i;asm 12318;/* * dpoke(i,w) -- return old value of w */dpoke(i,w)char *i;int w;asm 12%}321;/* end of Atari library */ri I/O routines * and library fuctions * (c) 1982 John Howard Palevich */#define EOL 15$!'   $  $  $ "  +$)}  -$ -$    "  0)  9'    )} 0  "   '      $  $  $)}  "     0)  9'  0 a)  f')}  W A)  F'  7     ")} '  & @   ' $ ")} $     '  r$  w$ )} a$         '    )}&  '   '    '   '' '' )}    '' 0'0' '' ''   x   )}' &! !  H '   '  ' '  '")}     '#" #'0!' $   )}%  "#  "'$% # && & $  $   :%  )} :%   :%' #'   #'  #'  '  )} . $' &(   .     #'("' a& % ) z( )}%)*+* +%' A& % , Z( %,-.- .#' 0&')}0''      &'('0$'0' 0u $''0)'0'0*'!0)}D:'val'hval'copen'peek'strlen'ciov'cclose'open'close'cputc'cgetc'getchar'putchar'g)}ets'dpeek'cprints 'cputs!'normaliz"'toupper#'strcpy$'find%'tolower&'move''clear('usr)'poke*'dpoke)}ts'dpeek'cprints 'cputs!'normaliz"'toupper#'strcpy$'find%'tolower&'move''clear('usr)'poke*'dpoke(/* Test the I/O */main()$(char c;printf("File reader/writer\n");printf("Command: r,w,q\n");for(;;)$(printf("\n-}-> ");c=tolower(getchar());while(getchar()!='\n');switch(c)$(case 'r':rfile();break;case 'w':-}wfile();break;case 'q':return;default:printf("'%c' is not a command.\n",c);printf("Try R(ead), W(-}rite), or Q(uit).\n");break;$)$)$)rfile()$(char fname[20];int i;char c;for(i=0;!i;)$(printf("File to-} read? ");gets(fname);normalize(fname,"C");if((i=copen(fname,'r'))<0)$(printf("I/O error %3d on %s\n",-i,fna-}me);i=0;$)else break;$)/* now print file on consol */while((c=cgetc(i))>=0)putchar(c);cclose(i);printf("\-}n--EOF--");$)wfile()$(char fname[20],line[120];int i;char c;for(i=0;!i;)$(printf("File to write? ");gets(fn-}ame);normalize(fname,"C");if((i=copen(fname,'w'))<0)$(printf("I/O error %3d on %s\n",-i,fname);i=0;$)-}else break;$)/* now read file from consol */while((c=getchar())>=0)cputc(c,i);cclose(i);$);for(;;)$(printf("\n,d' r '''  '  '  '  ' 8 '  ' ' 1}' O ' O '  ' ' O ' ' O ' 1} & "    ' ' I'''' '1}'     d '      1}  ' !'  "' % ' #'.- .      .=. 1} ..+   ..*  .q.Q 1} $'  $'        1}   %'   %' '  &    2 1} $'  $'   d&     d $' 1}   $' ! $'  $' ![K:}Bouncin1}g Ball DemoPress arrow keys to move ball,Use 'q' to quit. '''key'ballshap'main'cop1}en'pmcinit'graphics'pmgraphi'cprints'color'plot'drawto'pmcolor'pmwidth'ballhack'pmcflush'1}cclose 'hitclear!'plmove"'peek#'cgetc$'sound%'hitp2pf  ' 8 '  ' ' 0B@@dbc @O jC r ECzL  I  *M mC G C G C G  I XJ I O XJ 5} O I  I XJ O I XJ O I  &@@ "@    QN 5} pN@ AACCALC F     dDNWAQA   5}   C DO  I %YBC G.-A.AA  YBA.=A.AA YBA.A.+AA  YB5}A.A.*AB BBYBB.qB.QBCB K  K FBVB  ;CFB  5}     N   N;CDNB  &B B   2 K B 5} K $C  d&CCC  C    d K 8C  K cC K  5} K TAK:}Bouncing Ball DemoPress arrow keys to move ball,Use 'q' to quit. CD 5} D $  $  $ D " DDC  +$  -$QD -$DD    "5}  0)  9'D    0  "YD     D DE$5}  $  $D "DDD E 0)  9'"E  0uE a)  f'JE  W5}uE A)  F'rE  7uEE     "D   &E @ 5}EF  I $EE "E $E     I  r$-F cF w$DF 5}cF a$[F cF        G    &F  5}   FG I   G F     G 00 G  G 5}  x   G &_G   H I    G  IG 5}    GGHG 0    H  "#  IG # &25}H  $  $   :%   :   :%H I kI   kI  kI5}     . 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CI/O error %3d on %s--EOF--File to write? CI/O error %3d on %s'main'printf'tolower'getcF'}har'rfile'wfile'gets'normaliz'copen'cgetc'putchar'cclose'cputc%.r  'DZ@@dbc @N B H B H"@@ )B H F 6HF %G@8@.rS@]@@@e@.we@o@XA@w@.qw@~@J)}@@ .B  H FB H@@@@  $!A@@ gB H &F vB F  r DJ*} &A xAAB   H A!A@   F )CA F!A E B Hx J+} $A~AlA B Hs &Fs B F q w D &A B  o H AA{A F )AJ,}   FA EBBqFile reader/writerCommand: r,w,q-> '%c' is not a command.Try R(ead), W(rite), or Q(uitJ-}).File to read? CI/O error %3d on %s--EOF--File to write? CI/O error %3d on %sBC  C $J.}  $  $B "CCB  +$  -$FC -$9C    "  0) J/} 9'C    0  "NC     C CD$  $  J0}$C "CCC D 0)  9'D  0jD a)  f'?D  WjD A)  J1}F'gD  7jDD     "C   &D @ DE  HJ2} $DD "D $D     H  r$"E XE w$9E XE a$PEJ3} XE        F    &E E   EFJ4}   H   F E     F 00  F  F   J5}x   F &]F   H H    F  HF   J6} FG FF 0    G  "#  HF # &0G J7} $  $   :%   :%   :%G H iH   iH  iH  J8}   GH  . 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